Monday, October 21, 2013

Here I am: 22, a recent college graduate, living in an apartment in Albany. Living the post-grad life, it has gotten to the point where I have a desperate need when it comes to food to a) not spend a lot of money b) not eat absolute trash and c) cook.

So where all this has brought me are to many a recipe pages, many a really gross concoctions being made, as well as FORTUNATELY many actually decent, delicious new foods.

Here is where I will probably only post about the successes of my new recipes (unless the failures turn out to be too funny to pass up writing about). And hopefully I will result in a collection of really good, cheap, healthy meals I can make so I don't have to continue to simply live off ramen and mac and cheese and pbj but can actually be a real person who eats real foods.

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